Press Release Summary = "Follow These Pointers for a $100,000 Call". Business owners have heard the hype about earning a great profit on teleseminars.
Press Release Body = Livonia, Michigan -- Business owners have heard the hype about earning a great profit on teleseminars. They aren't sure if this hype is true. But I'm here to tell them that it is. I've made $100,000 from just one teleseminar. I'll show them how they can do those themselves. It's not difficult if they know what you are doing.
When you set up your teleseminar call you need to make sure that you have done the following things: (This is the process in a nutshell.)
1. Set up enough phone lines. Get the number and pin code for the call right away so they can give it to potential call attendees.
2. Book a guest speaker or speak them. Just make sure that whoever speaks can sell and close.
3. Send two emails and a voice broadcast about the call.
During the call: 1. Provide valuable content.
2. Know what types of people are on all the call.
3. Be able to sell and close.
4. When they are on the phone let them know that if they want to buy something they can buy it through a voicemail system.
Why direct them to a voicemail system instead of a website at this point? They are more likely to order by phone then by email mainly because they are already on the phone and might not have access to a computer in the time frame that you give them. They 'all have an increase in conversion if you send people to buy through voicemail box at this point.
They can get a voicemail box at They 'all get an 800 or 888 number.
After the call: 1. When the call is totally done, send them an email. In the email, say that the call was great tonight. Direct them to a website where they can buy the product.
Why use a website at this point? They are already on the computer reading the email so it will be easier for them to go to a website than to pick up a phone and order. Plus, they may not have a phone near them. Sending them to a website increases the response on the follow up.
Additional tips to creating their own wealth include: Follow the piles of cash. Find people who have successfully [created wealth] and learn from them. "Matt Bacak, the powerful promoter, is the person who has done just that in business and is leading expert on how to achieve quick easy and fast success" said Ralph Maupin co-founder of National Real Estate Network.
Remember, it\'s not only what they know, but who they learn it from. Learn from someone who is more successful then you. Learn the tricks of the trade and [internet marketing tips] from someone that has actually built wealth and not just written a book about it. Forget the past. It does not matter who they are or where they came from. Everyone deserves to be a millionaire.
Contact Information: Stephanie Bunn 2935 Horizon Park Drive, Suite D Suwanee, GA 30024 (770) 271-1536
Source: National Real Estate Network. Check out their website at
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